Helpful Documents
Find school forms, policies, and information.
- 2021-22 School Planning Guidelines - August 2021
- 2021-22 Kindergarten Screening Letter
- 2021-23 Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan
- Anti-Harassment, Anti-Intimidation, Anti-Bullying Policy
- Career Advising Policy
- Career & Technical Education Program Information
- Child Find Policy
- ESSER III ARP Funds Plan
- Medicaid Annual Notification Letter
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Notice Regarding Release of Information
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Right to Know Qualifications
- Wellness Policy
- Student wellness and success funds

Title IX Coordinator
Lincoln Park Academy does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program or activities, and is required by Title IX and its regulations not to discriminate in such a manner. Our Title IX Coordinator is responsible for investigating any complaint alleging noncompliance with Title IX.
Erika Vogtsberger
- 3185 W 41st St, Cleveland, OH 44109
- (216) 263-7008

Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Students and adults can anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcements about threats to student safety via call or text to the Safer Ohio School Tip Line. Calls and texts are answered by Ohio Homeland Security. Students, parents, or staff who wish to report threats anonymously are encouraged to utilize the Tip Line for threats of mass incident or harm to a single student. To utilize this service:
- Text “4hope” to 741 741
- Call 844-SAFEROH | (844) 723-3764